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Tue, 07 Sep 2004 9:23 PM

Wordpress now has a bit of dale in it.

Michael Dale
I'm one for gloating, so I thought I'd try and raise ye old ego a bit more (as you do ;)). Anyway as you may (or probably may not) know I hacked apart wordpress to leach some of its sending trackback function and found a very small bug. The bug being if you ran wordpress on a non standard port (i.e anything other than 80) then people would be unable to send a trackback to that site. Wordpress ignored the fact that someone may have enter a port number into the trackback url. Only a small bug. So I emailed the good matt ( ) about the problem and included a fix for it. Less than 24 hours later wordpress is patched and the latest nightly build includes this small fix. It's just cool that anyone can help add/fix things to open source software. So praise open source (and wordpress for being so). w00t /end ego boosting post ;) no I'll never like wordpress, shutup! :S


On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 at 9:08 PM, Joshua wrote Just out of curiosity, does your patch include the port in the URL if it's not specified, or port 80? I'm not planning to upgrade to bleeding edge CVS anytime soon, but I'm still vaguely curious :P 1: Comment Link

On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 at 9:10 PM, Stuart (of wrote Good ol' reliable Dale. How about you just make DalePress and go onto direct competition with them. You know you want to ;) 2: Comment Link

On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 at 9:12 PM, Stuart (of wrote [quote]... and go onto...[/quote] Sorry I made a mistake. into* 3: Comment Link

On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 at 9:13 PM, Michael Dale (of wrote If no port is specified it changes to port 80. $trackback_url['port'] = ($trackback_url['port'] == "") ? 80 : $trackback_url['port']; 4: Comment Link


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