
                Bluetrait (Program)
                IBM N2200 8363


On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 at 11:20 AM, Gerard Gibbs wrote Hi, I have been using BTEV for some time and really like it. It helped me identify that someone from Romania kept trying to log into my site as an admin, and also when legitimate users have failed login attempts, so i can follow up with them... Anyway, recently I have been getting an error: Fatal error: Cannot access private property PHPMailer::$to in /home/platform/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bluetrait-event-viewer/btev.php on line 2157 This occurs after I submit a form (using formidable pro). After clicking submit there should be email confirmation sent to the admin and to the person submitting the form. Up until recently, this has been fine. But recently I have been getting the above error and have had to deactivate BTEV. I really would like to turn it back on.... I dont know whether the source of the problem is BTEV or Formidable. 1: Comment Link

On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 at 4:04 PM, Michael Dale (of wrote Hi Gerard, Can you please try upgrading to BTEV, this *might* fix the problem. If it is still happening please click the Contact link above and send me an email and I can have more of a look. Sorry for the issues! Michael. 2: Comment Link


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