It works on PHP 8.2!
Michael Dale
Upgrading the OS this site (and a few others including runs on was one of my goals for the Christmas break this year.
Unfortunately there is a lot of old scripts running on it; making it difficult to move past PHP 7.0.
I've finally fixed a lot, most were pretty easy (including this site), mediawiki was the worst so far.
I've been able to switch over to PHP 7.3 now which is great. Hopefully I can get to 7.4 this year?
Also had to rebuild the raspberry pi zero running our gate recently. That was a pain. The SD card died so I replaced that and upgraded to Raspbian/Debian 12, that broke all the GPIO libraries I was using :/
Isn't upgrading fun? Actually I'm pretty happy how well things are working considering I ignore them for years at a time.
Next I'm actually thinking of upgrading this blog to replace the theme with something new, although not sure yet.