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Wed, 12 Jan 2005 9:35 AM

Mac mini

Michael Dale
Apple released a low-end headless Mac, the Mac Mini. The newest Mac offers the following features: 1.25GHz G4 or 1.4GHz G4 for $US499 (listed at $AU799) or $US599 (listed at $AU949) 6.5 inches wide and 2 inches tall 2.9 pounds Up to 1GB of Memory supported (comes with 256MB) ATI Radeon 9200 iLife '05 Keyboard, Mouse, and Monitor sold seperately It can be found on the apple site here: They have also released the ipod shuffle, a flash based mp3 player. Found here: The Mac mini looks pretty sexy, and I know of a friend who really wants one. I might look at getting on too. Although it isn't any faster than my ibook. Still it is a very small sexy little computer. These things will also run linux and other unix operating systems. Quite a few people are looking to turn these things into mini servers.


On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 at 10:45 AM, Matthom wrote Yeah, I would have appreciated a G5 processor in that box. Then I would surely buy. 1: Comment Link

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 at 12:27 PM, Stuart (of wrote It was making Josh and I drool, amidst our discussion about it this morning. As far as I get it, Apple are marketing the Mac Mini to those first time Mac users who bought the iPod but still were unsure about Apple products. It's going to give PCs hell, for that price and the inclusion of Panther 1.3. 2: Comment Link

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 at 1:23 PM, Matthom wrote Stuart, you're right about giving PC's hell. You gotta figure no one needs a new keyboard, mouse, and monitor anyway. All they need is the processor - which is the Mac Mini. You can find cheap monitors just about anywhere. And anyone who owns a PC from the last tem years probably has an extra keyboard and mouse lying around. Of course, they might need an extra adapter to plug into a USB port, but it's not that difficult. 3: Comment Link


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