
                Bluetrait (Program)
                IBM N2200 8363

Mon, 07 Feb 2005 4:19 PM

Entourage 2004 [added screen shot]

Michael Dale
I was looking a purchasing Office 2004 for Mac as I would like Word and Entourage (email client). I mainly need Entourage 2004 as it can connect to Exchange servers (the older versions can't). Anyway today I work I was handed a copy of Entourage 2004, they have a site license for it here. Cool! So I'm going to install it and see how I like it. Hopefully it's good. I'm looking forward to it! Pity it didn't come with Word :p [ADDED] Now here is a screen shot of the program


On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 at 6:49 PM, swylie wrote I want screenies 1: Comment Link

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 at 7:59 PM, swylie wrote Isn't OSX great the way it displays your name in the top right-hand corner, just in case you forget who you are! Macs are just so useful like that. SIDENOTE: Can you make your comments doovey store my Name, e-mail, and WWW so I don't have to type it in each time? Actually maybe I blocked your cookies... Who knows. 2: Comment Link

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 at 8:41 PM, Michael Dale (of wrote The name up the top of the screen is for fast user switching, I was testing out something. I'm just working on the comments storing thing now. It hasn't been coded into this site yet. 3: Comment Link


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