
                        Bluetrait (Program)
                        IBM N2200 8363

Wed, 17 May 2006 12:46 AM


Michael Dale
Well the MacBook is finally out. I'm contemplating getting one.

Also I've noticed that my last post broke IE and really anyone running sub 1600x1050. Sorry about that, go buy a bigger screen ;)

On another note, I got an email from one of my friends at usyd:

Sydney Uni is selling original iMacs for $50!!! I don't know if you have any
use for super cheap old computers, but I thought I'd tell you anyway. The
School of Languages is trying to get rid of them. Maybe for spare parts,
extra storage space (although the one I saw I had a hard drive of a whopping
4 GB - not much storage space there!)???? Anyway, I thought you might like
to know.

So if anyone wants cheap macs. I think I've got enough. On last count we now have 6 macs in the house :)