
                Bluetrait (Program)
                IBM N2200 8363

Wed, 17 May 2006 12:46 AM


Michael Dale
Well the MacBook is finally out. I'm contemplating getting one. Also I've noticed that my last post broke IE and really anyone running sub 1600x1050. Sorry about that, go buy a bigger screen ;) On another note, I got an email from one of my friends at usyd:
Sydney Uni is selling original iMacs for $50!!! I don't know if you have any use for super cheap old computers, but I thought I'd tell you anyway. The School of Languages is trying to get rid of them. Maybe for spare parts, extra storage space (although the one I saw I had a hard drive of a whopping 4 GB - not much storage space there!)???? Anyway, I thought you might like to know.
So if anyone wants cheap macs. I think I've got enough. On last count we now have 6 macs in the house :)


On Wed, 17 May 2006 at 9:47 AM, Matthom wrote I'd like more Macs. Can you ship on to the States? Thanks. ;) 1: Comment Link

On Sun, 21 May 2006 at 10:27 AM, Steve wrote Any word on the battery life of the MacBook? 2: Comment Link

On Sun, 21 May 2006 at 10:42 AM, Michael Dale (of wrote "up to" 6 hours. Less with wireless. 3: Comment Link

On Sun, 21 May 2006 at 11:01 AM, swylie wrote Yeah... I've just been reading reviews that suggest it's more realistic to expect 3-4 hours from them compared to the 6 hours from an iBook... I'm still of many minds as to whether to buy a used Mac or a new one... I don't think I'll end up using it for anything but I need to be able to play with Keynote as I'm using it on G5's for work pretty much every second day now... A DVD burner might be handy though... maybe I should get a G4 tower... hmm... Want to sell me your iBook for a decent price? 4: Comment Link

On Sun, 21 May 2006 at 6:54 PM, Michael Dale (of wrote Sorry, I've already sold it! 5: Comment Link


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