
                Bluetrait (Program)
                IBM N2200 8363

Sat, 23 Dec 2006 8:45 PM

Back on the air

Michael Dale
We've successfully moved! This new place is pretty awesome, great kitchen and a dishwasher! :)

iinet adsl2+ was connected this morning. We've got the business pack so we currently have one static ip address plus a /30, something we couldn't do cheaply with internode (it would have cost an $100/month with node).

We're hoping to upgrade the current /30 to a /29 (8 IP addresses) later next week (for an extra $64/year).

I've got the netscreen setup so that the /30 works seamlessly with our internal network including broadcast traffic (itunes sharing for the win).

So once the cabling is done we'll move the servers back here (about mid jan I would say).


On Mon, 25 Dec 2006 at 8:34 AM, Stuart (of wrote Sounds good mate. Has the new place got ample lanning space? 1: Comment Link

On Tue, 26 Dec 2006 at 12:50 PM, Josh Street (of wrote It's a class A address range network! At 16,777,216 available addresses, you'd certainly hope there was ample lanning space. Oh, wait, you meant... nevermind. 2: Comment Link


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