
                        Bluetrait (Program)
                        IBM N2200 8363

Thu, 18 Jan 2007 6:37 PM


Michael Dale
Argh. Too much spam is getting through again; even with Akismet. So I'm in the process of writing a new spam class. The aim is to build a comment score (similar to email spam filtering programs) based on the following:
  • Email Address/Name/Website

  • Comment Body (number of links etc)

  • If the user is registered

  • If the user has successfully posted a comment before

  • white and black lists

  • response from akismet

  • how old and how many comments a post has

So hopefully I can cut down the spam.


On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 at 12:39 PM, Josh Street (of wrote

Wow... I'm probably getting 500 a day through and Akismet is catching them all. WordPress has a "Recheck queue" button for stuff that slipped past... I've yet to have that fail me for the stuff that got through. Have you implemented something like that to recheck unmoderated posts? (It rechecks the whole lot -- not the same as marking things as spam)

1: Comment Link


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ie: <b>bold</b>

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