
                        Bluetrait (Program)
                        IBM N2200 8363

Sat, 21 Jul 2007 2:08 PM

Bluetrait 2 development update

Michael Dale

I've been doing a fair bit of Bluetrait 2 coding since my last post about it, so I thought I'd post an update of where I am up to.

Category support is now working. Which is awesome, because it includes full breadcrumb support:

Bluetrait 2 categories support

I will expand this to include browsing through the full breadcrumb. This will improve navigation throughout the site.

Other features that I have been working on include:

  • Full 404 handling support with custom styles

  • Plugin support that can add custom content types

  • Customizable peramlink formats

  • Overriding site details with a settings file (i.e. domain name etc)

  • Pluggable functions

  • MySQL and SQLite support

  • RSS support

  • Templating Tags

  • UTF-8 support

  • Theme support

  • Graceful error handling (i.e on database failure generate an email to the site admin)

  • Event Logging

So there is a stack of stuff that has been done. I can't wait until enough has been done so that I can upgrade this site!

Subversion access can be found here (please note it isn't ready to be used on any website yet).



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