
                        Bluetrait (Program)
                        IBM N2200 8363

Sun, 23 Sep 2007 1:16 PM

Bluetrait 2 development update

Michael Dale

Just a quick development update.

The following is a list of the major changes that have happened since Code Example 1:

  • Commenting Support
  • Future Posting Support (via cron)
  • Cron Support
  • Basic Adding Post Support (with Categories)
  • RSS Comments on Posts (with user detail support)
  • Database Session Support (all sessions are stored in the database)
  • Jquery
  • SQLite database support now mostly works
  • Contact Form (will be a default plugin) + Mailer Class
  • Improvements to custom content

There are a couple of things that need doing before I can upgrade this site to Bluetrait 2:

  • Spam Filtering
  • Search
  • Content Support (for my projects page etc)
  • Admin Page (yes I haven't started on it yet!)
  • Migration Script (to upgrade database)

The cron support is pretty cool and really easy to use. It will be used in future to handle update notifications, session garbage collection and "monthly database maintenance".

On another note this site is now accessible via IPv6 (2001:388:c021::20), which has already seen traffic!




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