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                IBM N2200 8363

Sun, 08 Aug 2010 10:53 AM

Cisco Fail

Michael Dale

I don't normally sell Cisco products, but one of my clients already has a full Cisco network, so for them we purchased an ASA5505 for a remote office.

Cisco have made a number of upgrades to the software of the ASA range and have really stuffed up a few sections.

  1. It took me about a month to get a new ASA5505 (the new 512mb version as the OS now needs more memory)! For some reason Cisco cannot manage their stock, they suck. Also the ASA5505 should have had 512mb to start with.
  2. Finally when the ASA5505 comes, it doesn't work! It doesn't even switch on. I don't think I've ever had a DOA Juniper product. I understand these things happen but it doesn't leave a good impression.
  3. The power connector is really bad, it is some stupidly small plastic thing that will no doubt break in the future.

Overall the ASA5505 is a good product, but they've done some stupid things with the range. I wouldn't recommend one over a Juniper SSG.

I don't know why companies always create shitty products, the Juniper SRX range is another fine example. The code base on the Juniper SRX is still buggy. Junos 10.2 should finally fix most of my issues with the OS, but really. 


On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 at 8:56 PM, Dan wrote Thanks for some helpful posts, Michael. Since you wrote your review of the Juniper SRX, is it less buggy now? I have a little experience of cisco pix and am looking to upgrade. I'm considering ASA5510 or a 5520 but the live chat agent at Juniper suggested I look at the SRX range. (I need a 1U applicance, the firewall will be located at a data-centre). What's your initial thought? Thanks! 1: Comment Link

On Sun, 28 Aug 2011 at 3:12 PM, Michael Dale (of wrote Hi Dan, Yes the SRXs seem better. You must run at least JunOS 10.4. Thanks, Michael. 2: Comment Link


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