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                        IBM N2200 8363

Tue, 28 Feb 2012 2:05 PM

U-NITED Warranties

Michael Dale

One of the computers we purchased for a customer came with a 3 year onsite warranty. The extra 2 years of warranty was provided by U-NITED Warranties (aka United Warranty) ( or

As of today I am still waiting for a response as to where the machine is.

  1. They rarely answer their support phone in under 10 minutes. 
  2. The URL that they provide while waiting on hold to check the status of the job is incorrect and takes you to a server error page. I even emailed them about it, no reply.
  3. It took over a week before the machine was even collected.
  4. The computer has now been with them for over 2 weeks.
  5. They stopped updating their job status website (I found it even though it isn't even linked on their website, FYI it is weeks ago so we now need to call each time to get any information.
  6. We still haven't been given any information as to when the computer will be returned.
  7. Either the computer has been formatted (the drive was fine) or they have never connected it to the internet as it has not checked in to our Kaseya system.


  • Their phone system now seems to lock up and reboot, kicking me off the line and out of the queue! The amount of time I have wasted with this company is crazy.

March 4th Update:

  • Still no machine or any update on when it will be returned. Awful awful service.

March 7th. Still no update.

March 14th. After a lot of bitching I was finally able to get a part refund on the computer so that I can replace it myself! So crap, but I can get a new machine much faster than this company can return phone calls!

I will never use this company again for anything.




On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 at 9:53 PM, Michelle wrote Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones at this stage. Our computer first made connections with U-nited Stuff ups, or warranties to some, in October last year and here we are in March. This machine is about to go back for the fourth time in the next couple of days. Has not worked once in the three returns had so far. We are furious. Every time they get it they hold it for weeks on end and if you ring no-one ever seems to know anything. My daughter has not had it to complete end of year uni exams last year and now still does not have access to a computer or the internet to begin assignments this year. It is grossly cruel to us. When you ring up they NEVER NEVER EVER answer their phone before at least 10 minutes has passed and because many of these calls we have had to make using a mobile phone it has cost us a fortune n phone calls alone. What can we do? We are furious at being taken for a huge ride here. Will NEVER NEVER NEVER have anything to do with this company ever again. How they stay in business I will never know. Absolutely diplorable service. I wish you better luck! 1: Comment Link

On Wed, 14 Mar 2012 at 10:21 AM, Michael Dale (of wrote Thanks for the comment. It seems no one has ever had a good experience with this company. As of today we still have no update on when the machine will be back. I just hope that more people read this page and don't purchase a warranty from this company. 2: Comment Link

On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 at 7:02 AM, CC wrote I'm on the same page as you. Did you get your computer back?? I had problems with my camera, lodging a claim was quick but the rest of getting the item fixed/replaced is still taking forever. I've documented each call and email as Consumer Protection advised. March 22 – I received a call and was told that I will receive a replacement camera in 3 weeks. Nothing was received 3 weeks later. May 4 – I called to ask what was happening and was told that item was back ordered and I will be updated as soon as it arrives. May 23 – I called for an update and was told that the item has still not arrived and to wait another 2 weeks. The man I spoke to said that if it doesn’t arrive in 2 weeks, that he can get the manager to find another solution. On this same day, I also sent an email complaint on U-nited Warranties’ website. No reply was received. May 29 – I called to get another update and was put through to reception. Receptionist could not put me through to the customer service department. My contact details were taken and I was promised that I would receive a call back. No one called back. June 5 – I called and was put through to reception again. Receptionist could not put me through to the service department and stated that the lines are busy and the wait would be too long. I mentioned how unacceptable the service has been and demand to speak to a manager or supervisor. Receptionist took my details again and said she would send an email to a manager to contact me. This complaint is being emailed through to the U-nited Warranties website as well as the service department’s email address. I emailed all these details and demanded a response by June 8. No response was received and I am lodging a report to Consumer Protection. 3: Comment Link


On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 at 9:59 AM, Michael Dale (of wrote Hi CC, Sorry to hear about your issues. I was able to get a refund on the computer system after lots of bitching. The company is very hard to deal with. 5: Comment Link

On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 at 10:05 AM, Michael Dale (of wrote Hi Jenny, That isn't good news at all. You can find more information about the company here: Normally it would state that they are in Administration (it doesn't). It is possible that the site hasn't been updated yet. Unfortunately when a company goes into Administration there is very little you can do. They should post you a form to fill out with what you are owed, but even then you would be an unsecured creditor, so you would only get paid out if there was any money left in the company (which almost never happens). 6: Comment Link

On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 at 11:26 AM, Ned wrote I have spend 5 days trying to contact them - I emailed all three email adresses and left 10 messages - NO ONE IS CALLING ME BACK. these are the actions of a company gone broke - OMG !!! who is going to do all the warranties !!!!! 7: Comment Link

On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 at 12:42 PM, D.J Brown wrote Im in this same boat. They took my LCD TV about two month(mid April 2012) ago and all im getting is we'll notify and update you if any change. So far I have to call em to get updates. Then they offend a refund only to be told by Ryan (united employee) a week later that we will not be getting a refund because some overseas companey has bought 48% of the company. Today I stoped by there office in BANKSMEADOW NSW 2019, (Unit 5, 17-19 Green Street)and load and behold is not U-NITED warranties, its a totally different business. Does anyone out there know if they have another office in sydney?? 8: Comment Link

On Thu, 14 Jun 2012 at 7:27 AM, Mary Anderson wrote Thye are supposed to have cover from a European Insurance company in case of default...any chance of finding out about that 9: Comment Link

On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 at 2:42 PM, Michael Anderson wrote You want to head here: United Media Group - Pump TV Sydney (Head Office) 55 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Pyrmont, NSW 2009 Ask for Teyghan Samantha Stadelbauer. She is a director of United Warranties, but may deny all knowledge at first. Her father Vern Rickman was the founder of the business. She is listed in some places as the head of customer service. Post back here to let everyone know how it goes. 10: Comment Link

On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 at 2:46 PM, Anderson Michaels wrote U-nited are under the jurisdiction of the Credit Industry Ombudsman Service. Paul Elverd is U-nited's official complaints officer. Good luck getting through to him though. Their phone system is a little dodgy to say the least. Here is a link to the details you need to lodge a formal complaint: 11: Comment Link

On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 at 12:16 PM, Nattus wrote Wow all I can say is I had a close call. I put NWS warranties on all my systems and was looking at United after a disagreement I had with NWS. Spoke to them and they sounded very friendly. but when I saw their 5 dollar template based website I was put off and didn't pursue it any further. Good instincts! Good luck to all the resellers who have large amounts of cusotmers with United warranties already, or stock on hand. 12: Comment Link

On Mon, 25 Jun 2012 at 11:25 AM, Russell wrote Well guys, United is in Receivership and everything is gone. Hopefully, the Receivers will have the where-with-all to sort though the thousands and thousands of broken items residing in United's warehouses and return them to the owners - still broken, bits taken out etc but everyone in a situation like this loses. United was never underwritten even though they had their Financial Licence and it was only a sales ploy saying they were. I have known them many years and they were always this snakey with service. All of their Repairers (contractors) stopped working for United many months ago and I know of a couple who are owed $8-9k each for work they put in with United - all gone now. I don't even know how they plan on paying the Receivers because there isn't any money in the kitty and all assets are tied up against loans they took out to keep afloat. This company was actually running like a Ponsi Scheme where they always had to bring new clients in to pay for the work going out. A real house of cards I can tell you. Good luck all of you with issues against United. 13: Comment Link

On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 at 3:13 PM, De Brown wrote Hi people Just came accross this site which explains what is happening with u-nited warranties. and by the sound of things, its not good. 14: Comment Link


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