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                        IBM N2200 8363

Sun, 05 May 2013 9:42 PM

Debian 7

Michael Dale

Yay Debian 7 is out.

Nothing too major to report, I've only updated one VM at this stage (was very easy).

PHP 5.4 is nice to have. I'll be rolling out a number of upgrades and new VMs with it in the coming weeks so I'll see how it goes.

For servers (PHP Web Servers, MySQL, DNS, Subversion etc) Debian is my current favourite OS. It is so easy to manage and upgrade.

My current break down of operating systems is:

  • Mac OS for desktop/laptop

  • ESXi for VMs (actually running Hyper-V at home)

  • Debian for most servers (where the software doesn't require windows).

  • Windows 2008 R2 & SBS 2011 for small business servers, terminal servers & required apps

  • Windows 7/8 for business workstations

  • FreeBSD for ZFS storage. Although I really need to see if I can do Debian + ZFS as I really like Debian.



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