
                Bluetrait (Program)
                IBM N2200 8363

Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:41 PM

Bluetrait Blog or Software?

Michael Dale
I suspect trying to have both a blog called Bluetrait and a piece of blog software called Bluetrait is a bad idea...

Wed, 03 Jan 2007 3:33 PM

Bluetrait Wish List

Michael Dale
Things I'd like to add:
  • gettext
  • better plugin support (add_task, update checker, bluetrait version checking)
  • categories
  • upgrades to event management
  • upgrades to spam system
  • full UTF-8
  • per-user time zone support
  • caching
  • faster/smaller

Tue, 14 Nov 2006 3:29 PM

PHP 5.2

Michael Dale
Sorry I broke the server for a bit while upgrading to PHP 5.2. It is all working now. :)

Nup it is still a bit broken. *goes to fix*.


Thu, 22 Jun 2006 6:41 PM

Bluetrait 0.4.9

Michael Dale
Bluetrait 0.4.9 is now out. This version provides some bug fixes over BETA 1 (Think of it as BETA 1 Release 2).

The following have been fixed from BETA 1:
  • If upgrading from an old version, the version number in the database is not changed with the upgrade. An error message is triggered saying that the upgrade failed.
  • Upgrade will not detect version 0.4.7 as a valid upgrade path.
  • You are not be able to log in if the site is install in http://localhost/. You require a fully qualified domain name

The full change log can be seen here.

Wed, 21 Sep 2005 8:42 PM Golden Ticket

Michael Dale
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away you entered your email address on to get a blog. We're now inviting small groups to use and your email address was selected today!
So yeah I thought I should give it a try, here. I don't plan on moving to it, but I will see how it runs (and hey, it's free bandwidth!). EDIT: I've also got an invite, if anyone is interested.

Sun, 24 Apr 2005 7:48 PM


Michael Dale

I haven't had the chance to work on the code for this site for a while, been pretty busy with uni. Anyway I have a week off (some Faculty of IT thing, not uni wide) which is cool. I did a touch up on some code tonight. I'm now running version 0.3.9 of my code. 0.3.8 added the following:

  • Trackback support
  • Newer version of FCKeditor (which still sucks a bit)
  • Small fixes to work on unix systems
  • Some backend support for PostgreSQL (although this will take sometime to complete)
  • Some other general fixes

I'd like to release something at version 0.4.0 but we'll see. If I release it at that version it probably still isn't ready for general use. But I'll get there slowly.

Tue, 19 Apr 2005 6:15 PM

Using wordpress

Michael Dale
If I were to use wordpress, I'd use this. Much faster.

Thu, 17 Feb 2005 8:18 AM

Wordpress 1.5

Michael Dale
Wordpress 1.5 has been released and can be downloaded here

Thu, 16 Dec 2004 1:36 PM

WordPress 1.2.2 is available

Michael Dale
[quote] WordPress 1.2.2 is now officially available for download. This release fixes a few bugs and security issues and is recommended for all 1.2 users. There have only been minor changes since the last release, so if you’re upgrading from any 1.2 version you can follow the normal upgrade instructions. Here’s a few of the things we’ve addressed in this release: * Login problems * A security fix for a specific IIS/PHP combination * Last-modified header bug * An issue with the way site moves were handled * Email encoding issues Sorry this took longer to get out than some people thought it should, a couple of issues came up at the same time and we wanted to roll everything into one release so you wouldn’t have to upgrade multiple times. If you have any problems please let us know in the support forums. [/quote] The download can be found here:

Thu, 07 Oct 2004 8:42 AM

Wordpress 1.2.1

Michael Dale
This release of Wordpress is principally a bug fix and security release. This version fixes the problems talked about here ( and also a few other problems. The full run down can be found here: It is highly recommended that you upgrade to this version asap. [quote]Upgrading from 1.2 is very easy. Your existing templates and plugins should work just fine; all you need to do is overwrite the wp-* files and folders. To upgrade: 1. Download 1.2.1 2. Unzip 3. Upload the new files to your site, taking care not to overwrite anything you may have modified like index.php [/quote] To download the latest version see this link: