
                        Bluetrait (Program)
                        IBM N2200 8363

Fri, 29 Apr 2011 10:22 AM

Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.9.2

Michael Dale

I've just released a new version of Bluetrait Event Viewer for WordPress.

The main new feature is an email alert option on Successful/Failed Logins. I've also updated some of the HTML to improve the display of the events widget.

This plugin has been downloaded almost 7000 times, which I think is pretty cool 

From going over the WordPress stats I think there are about 2000 active copies of the plugin running around the world.

Fri, 31 Jul 2009 11:18 PM

WordPress 2.0

Michael Dale

Well it looks like WordPress 2.0 is no longer going to be supported, so it is probably about time to rewrite some of my plugins to use some of the new WordPress developer features such as better database security.

I wonder when they're going to drop php 4...

Fri, 24 Jul 2009 8:26 PM

Bluetrait Connector now out

Michael Dale

Well I've now released all three programs for download. More info here.

Fri, 24 Jul 2009 12:03 AM

Bluetrait Connector for WordPress

Michael Dale

I've been hard at work on Bluetrait 2.1 and have now successfully got events to sync up to a master Bluetrait install.

So I've decided that the Bluetrait Event Viewer needed some love and have been working on a new WordPress plugin called Bluetrait Connector.

This plugin will allow a WordPress install to connect via SOAP to a Bluetrait server.

Basically using Bluetrait 2.1 + Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.9 and Bluetrait Connector you will be able to sync events from a WordPress install to Bluetrait.

I plan to have a beta release of these three programs this weekend :)

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:26 PM

Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.8.1

Michael Dale

Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.8.1 is now out. This version fixes a few bugs found in 1.8.

I've got a few ideas for BTEV 2. I'm hoping to start on it soonish, although we'll have to see about time.

I just installed WordPress 2.0.11 to test BTEV (yes it still supports 2.0) and wow, it is so much cleaner and quicker than WordPress 2.5.

The next version of WordPress is going to have Google Gears support, which is cool but shows how bloated WordPress has become.

Sat, 03 May 2008 5:17 PM

Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.8

Michael Dale

Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.8 is now out.

Version 1.8 has updated styling to match WordPress 2.5 and also adds an RSS feed for recent events.

I also got an email from Ozgreg yesterday (one of the developers who writes WPG2) saying that they now use BTEV for debugging and unit testing for their plugin, awesome!

Sun, 27 Jan 2008 4:52 PM

Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.6

Michael Dale

Bluetrait Event Viewer (BTEV) 1.6 is now out. It has a few fixes that should make it compatible with WordPress 2.5 (due out in March I believe).

Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:25 PM

Bluetrait Event Viewer 1.5

Michael Dale

Bluetrait Event Viewer (BTEV) is a plugin I wrote for WordPress that adds an event viewer similar to the one found in Bluetrait 1 and 2.

BTEV has just been updated to version 1.5.

Version 1.5 now includes an auto prune function to remove old events.

BTEV seems pretty popular, it has almost reached 700 downloads off the WordPress site.

Thu, 17 May 2007 4:06 PM

Dashboard Lite - WordPress 2.2 Plugin

Michael Dale

Josh created a custom index.php way back in WordPress 1.5 days that removed the RSS feeds on the WordPress dashboard.

Up until now it wasn't really possible to this with a plugin nicely. WordPress 2.2 has added an API hook that although not relevant to the Dashboard it is in the right place!

So I've created a simple plugin, which you can download here, that removes the RSS feeds. Please note it requires WordPress 2.2.